Saturday, August 1, 2009

More adventures in solid foods

Nick is doing great so far with solids. He's expanded his culinary choices quite a bit since we first started solids and now we're slowly trying to move on to finger foods. To help with this concept and teething we tried a mini bagel this morning.
He figured out to put it in his mouth and chew on it. But um yeah like most new things... he wasn't too fond of it.
In the end we decided to take it away from him because it wasn't frozen enough, so he couldn't get it moist/dissolved enough to properly swallow it. Maybe tomorrow this will work better, once the bagels are frozen...
After the bagel we switched back to some old faithfuls. We tried blueberry flavored puffs today. He sort of likes them... but I have to put them in his mouth for him. They are still too little and he doesn't have enough dexterity to be able to grasp them between this thumb and finger and eat them.... oh well, baby steps...


  1. Remember when we had visiting babies when I was a kid and my father's insisting that no baby could "live" without zwiebeck toast (mainly used in teething.) It is available in most groceries in the baby food aisle -- or here's a link to a video on how to make your own, if you've got time for that:

    Bought some pre-packaged zwieback for a visiting child recently -- and it was a huge hit. (I'm not a mom -- but this was always a staple in our home if we had visitors.)


  2. janis is right...................zwieback is a must..............grandma orders mom and dad to get some for nick

  3. babies should not be eating bagels

