Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ahhh the weekend

So I definitely meant to post this earlier... like 4 days ago, but it's been a crazy week. At any rate, when Nick was still in my belly Grandma was nice enough to buy him this ADORABLE Tigger robe. We tried it out this weekend and omg as you can see sooooooooooooo cute!
Nick was definitely enjoying hanging out while wearing Tigger. He is just so precious, I want to eat him up!

Later that afternoon we practiced standing. It's amazing how strong Nick is getting and how good at standing he is.
We finally caved in and bought a jumper this weekend. I was a little nervous that it would fall off the door frame, but Eric assures me that it's not going anywhere. I was skeptical, until I tried to move it... and couldn't get it off... somehow I don't think 15 pounds of Nick will be able to pull it down.
Happy almost Friday and look for more posts at the end of the weekend/early next week. So far we have no real plans for the weekend (yay!!) so I'm sure we'll have plenty of new pictures to post.

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