Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

I can hardly believe it, but Nick is one! Since his birthday fell on Thanksgiving day this year we had a party for him the day after. Gr'Auntie Marilyn was gracious enough to let us take over her house and host our party there. Gr'Auntie Becky offered to make cupcakes/cake for the party. I thought it would just be your standard cupcake with frosting, boy was I wrong! Below Eric is frantically working to create the chicky cupcakes.
Finished product. We had a barn (barnyard theme for the party) with big chickies, little baby chickies, pigs and sheep. Gr'Auntie Becky (with the help of Eric and Gr'Auntie Marilyn) went all out, it was crazy!
Marilyn's living/dining room transformed into party central, complete with balloons, streamers and tons of children.
The birthday boy and mommy. Nick did not mind wearing the hat at all, and had it on for about half of the party (and then the string to keep it on got too loose and it wouldn't stay on).
A rare family shot. It's a shame that Nick's not smiling, because he had TONS of fun and was super smiley for the whole party.
When it was time for cake, I stripped Nick down to his diaper so that he could really go to town. And after all, I didn't want to spend forever trying to get cake and frosting out of his clothes.
Not surprisingly Nick takes after his mom and LOVES cake! He ate the first cupcake (a pig) frosting first!
After he polished off the first one (in record time I must add) I gave him a chickie cupcake, and again he went to town!
Who wouldn't smile after two cupcakes and being covered in cake and frosting remnants?!?
We not only had a fabulous trip out to Portland (those pictures will follow shortly) but we had a wonderful first birthday and party! Thank you so much to everyone who helped out and who came. It's so hard to believe that Nick is already a year old - time flies when you're having fun!

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Grandparents Visit!

Over Halloween weekend my parents came to visit Nick (and us too) for his baptism. Nick and my dad hit it off really well, which is kind of surprising since the last time my dad held Nick he was crying (Nick that is) and sorry dad, but he usually makes kids cry.
That night my dad attended his first ever Arkansas Razorback game, woo pig sooie. Dad with some of the marching band before the game.
During the game - it's crazy to see a big college football game. Although if it wasn't for the fact that it was homecoming, this was not a big game at all. Arkansas won by like 40 points, it was ridiculous.
Grandma playing with sweet Nick in the morning. He loves her so much, especially since she's always willing to play with him!
That afternoon it was so nice out, we decided to go to the park. I put Nick in this adorable Patriots jacket so that he'd be warm. Go Pats!
Nick loves the swing, I mean he's obsessed with them. I swear he could swing all day if we let him!

More playing with Grandma. Nick really got into have her bounce him on her knees!
Snuggling up with Grandpa muffin. They are so cute together, two peas in a pod!
Little hands, big hands. We had so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa and can't wait for them to come back for Christmas!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


This weekend on All Saints Day Nick was Baptized. I refused to put him in a gown, so we found the most adorable little suit for him, complete with a bow tie!
All dressed and ready to go with Eric. Such a proud Dad!
Isn't this just the cutest thing that you've ever seen? I can't believe how big my little boy is getting
Just before the actual baptism
If you can imagine no altar boy in the center of the picture, this is Nick actually getting baptized. He didn't even cry.
Putting the oil on his forehead
We were so thankfully to have my parents come into to town for the occasion and to have our good friends Britt and Boriana (with Milla) come - thank you all so much for sharing in this special day!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Every year for Halloween, Walmart home office decorates the different areas and invites children to come in and trick or treat. This year I took Nick up to visit Eric at work and partake in all of the fun! He was a dragon for Halloween - so cute!
Somehow he managed to crawl all around in his costume, which is really quite a feat since it was a little big on him and full of padding.
Eric's aisle had an "under the sea" theme. They had this blue see through plastic hanging down from the ceiling/top of cubes to give the water effect, and Nick just helped them take it all down :-)

Nick had tons of fun crawling all around and exploring Eric's office. Maybe next year he'll even get to try some candy...